Friday, January 21, 2005

please explain

I know I may be a little slow to grasp certain concepts but can someone please explain how blowing up a country on the other side of the planet is going to ensure security at home?

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

bush and god

Gee hasn’t the world been a happier place since these two teamed up. I mean beforehand George W was just a drink driving, national service dodging, spoilt texan daddy’s boy with a liking for the death penalty. Sure people have be killing in gods name for ages, but since George W became born again its most likley that more people have died in Afghanistan and Iraq than under god's former buddies Sadam and the Taliban combined. Now we hear that Iran is next on the agenda. As George W would say ‘bring it on !’

Ironically what allegedly took god only 7 days to create, George W has 4 years to destroy. Wake me when it’s over!.

Monday, January 17, 2005

australia day wish list

Next week on January 26 we australians celebrate Australia Day with a national day off work. While I’ll be celebrating in the traditional way by listening to Triple J’s Hottest 100, this year I’ve taken the time to submit my australia day wish list 2005 a week prior to Australia day to give those responsible ample opportunity to achieve the tasks set out for them below (in no particular order).

Become of Republic – I know we failed at the last attempt but now that Malcolm Turnbull has infiltrated the Liberal Party this should be easier to achieve this time around provided he is still a republican. My condolences of course go out to any remaining monarchists given that this involves dropping Lizzy as our head of state.

Change the flag – While we’re at it lets have a flag which represents our future not it's colonial past. If nothing else can we please lose the union jack…. I know I know, it denotes Australia's historical links with Britain and yes my ancestors did arrive from jolly old England in 1828, but lets get real people, time to cut the apron strings!.

Change the Anthem - Lets face it nobody knows all the words or what the heck 'girt' means so lets change it to "I am, you are, we are Australian" (full version available upon request).

An appology – From the Prime Minister to all indigenous australians. Correct me if I’m wrong Mr Howard but SORRY is not an admission of liability but rather an important step towards reconciliation is this country.

I must be dreaming.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

indonesia gives foreign troops exit deadline

Indonesia's Vice-President Jusuf Kalla says foreign troops helping with aid relief efforts in Indonesia's tsunami stricken Aceh province should leave by the end of March. "Three months are enough. The sooner [they leave] the better," Mr Kalla said.

Nice work Mr Kalla, I can appreciate not wanting to have GW’s ‘help’ but unarmed Australian troops handing out fresh drinking water to locals, HELLO!

Does ‘foreign’ include Indonesian troops? Will they leave or do you plan to seal off Aceh to outsiders (again) while you resume your major military offensive to crush separatists locked in a long-running independence struggle? I THINK NOT.